For this command training you will need two portions of treats - a boring pile of something like your dogs usual kibble, and a pile of great tasty food like tiny pieces of chicken, cheese, cooked sausage etc.
The training takes place in 3 stages.
* Give your dog the command to 'Sit/Stay'.
* Hold a couple of boring treats in a closed hand and allow your dog to sniff it.
* Eventually he will become bored with sniffing your closed hand and will look away.
* As soon as he looks away or stops trying to get at the treats, say 'Yes!' and give him a high value treat.
NEVER reward your dog with a boring treat.
Keep repeating this exercise until he loses interest in trying to get at the treats in your hand. When this happens you can start to introduce verbal commands.
STAGE 2 - Verbal Commands
* Give your dog the 'Sit/Stay' command.
* Have the boring treats in your closed hand and let him sniff at your hand.
* Give the verbal command 'Leave'.
* As soon as he ignores your closed hand, reward him with a tasty treat.
* Keep repeating this, using the verbal command until he is used to the command word.
* Give your dog the 'Sit/Stay' command.
* Put some boring treats in your closed hand.
* Put some tasty treats in your other hand and put that hand behind your back.
* Open the hand with the boring treats in, let your dog sniff at it and give the 'Leave' command.
* If he tries to take the boring treats, close your hand and say 'NO!', let him settle and then try again.
* When he responds properly to the 'Leave' command (does not try to take the boring treat when told to leave), then reward with some of the really tasty treats.
The training takes place in 3 stages.
* Give your dog the command to 'Sit/Stay'.
* Hold a couple of boring treats in a closed hand and allow your dog to sniff it.
* Eventually he will become bored with sniffing your closed hand and will look away.
* As soon as he looks away or stops trying to get at the treats, say 'Yes!' and give him a high value treat.
NEVER reward your dog with a boring treat.
Keep repeating this exercise until he loses interest in trying to get at the treats in your hand. When this happens you can start to introduce verbal commands.
STAGE 2 - Verbal Commands
* Give your dog the 'Sit/Stay' command.
* Have the boring treats in your closed hand and let him sniff at your hand.
* Give the verbal command 'Leave'.
* As soon as he ignores your closed hand, reward him with a tasty treat.
* Keep repeating this, using the verbal command until he is used to the command word.
* Give your dog the 'Sit/Stay' command.
* Put some boring treats in your closed hand.
* Put some tasty treats in your other hand and put that hand behind your back.
* Open the hand with the boring treats in, let your dog sniff at it and give the 'Leave' command.
* If he tries to take the boring treats, close your hand and say 'NO!', let him settle and then try again.
* When he responds properly to the 'Leave' command (does not try to take the boring treat when told to leave), then reward with some of the really tasty treats.