It is important to get your dog used to responding to his name and paying attention to you. Start this training in a quiet area, away from any distractions, such as your living room or enclosed garden.
** Wait for your dog or puppy to come towards you freely and when he is close, say about 2ft (60cms), say his name and your recall word to get him to come to you. Always use an upbeat voice for this training.
** When he has come to you, make a big fuss, use an excited, happy voice and reward with either some high value food or his special toy.
Make the reward fun, maybe drop it by him or throw it a little way away so he has to seek it out. If you are using a toy as a reward, play tug of war or throw the toy and let him fetch it and play for a few minutes.
** When he is coming to you regularly, increase the distance between the two of you when you call him.
** Always reward your dog and make a big fuss when he comes to you, even if he has taken a little while to do so. Let him know that coming to you is a ‘BIG DEAL’ and means good things.
** REMEMBER this training doesn't have to be done as a 'formal' training set up. If you are upstairs and the dog downstairs, call his name and reward when he gets to you. If you are in the kitchen making a cup of tea, call your dog to you and reward. It is all part of the training process and can be repeated several times during the day in different settings.
** Wait for your dog or puppy to come towards you freely and when he is close, say about 2ft (60cms), say his name and your recall word to get him to come to you. Always use an upbeat voice for this training.
** When he has come to you, make a big fuss, use an excited, happy voice and reward with either some high value food or his special toy.
Make the reward fun, maybe drop it by him or throw it a little way away so he has to seek it out. If you are using a toy as a reward, play tug of war or throw the toy and let him fetch it and play for a few minutes.
** When he is coming to you regularly, increase the distance between the two of you when you call him.
** Always reward your dog and make a big fuss when he comes to you, even if he has taken a little while to do so. Let him know that coming to you is a ‘BIG DEAL’ and means good things.
** REMEMBER this training doesn't have to be done as a 'formal' training set up. If you are upstairs and the dog downstairs, call his name and reward when he gets to you. If you are in the kitchen making a cup of tea, call your dog to you and reward. It is all part of the training process and can be repeated several times during the day in different settings.